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it does that because of the different sizes of the bars

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Q: Why do the bars on a xylophone make different noises?
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What is the difference between xylophone and glockenspiel?

they make different sounds and the xylophone is bigger the glockenspiel has metal bars while the xylophone has wooden bars

Why do the bars on a xylophone make a different sounds?

the size of bars determine the pitch..(lgth,width)

How does a xylophone make a noise?

you make noise on a xylophone by hitting different keys with a mallet. depending on the size of the key, you get a different pitch.

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There are lot's of different types of apes and they all make different noises. Apes include chimpanzees, gorillas, gibbons, humans and orang-utans.

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They make different noises

Is xylophone a stringed instrument?

No you make the sounds by tapping on different keys, so it is a percussion instrument.

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pigs make many different types of squeaking noises to express themselves. sadly we don't understand their language D:>

How does the xylophone work?

The xylophone is a percussion instrument. The sound is produced by striking the metal bars with a mallet. The length of the bar directly corresponds with the sound that is produced when each bar vibrates after being struck.

What sounds does a xylophone make?

It depends what the Xylophone is made out of but the noes are short in duration.

Does it make different noises when you hamster is pregnant on Hamsterz Life 2?

nope :)

What noises do goanna make?

they make harsh hissing noises.

What noises do gorrilas make?

Gorillas Make Monkey Noises But With A Lower Voice. Gorillas Make Monkey Noises But With A Lower Voice.