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Q: Why do you loss your voice after just a few seconds of singing?
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Related questions

Can singing make you loss your voice?

Singing can make you lose your voice. This can be avoided by properly warming up the vocal chords before singing and resting the voice if it feels strained or tired. If you have already lost your voice, you should rest it until completely recovered before attempting to sing again in order to prevent further damage.

How do people lose their voices?

Infection in the throat due to flu or cold can cause loss of voice. Also using the vocal chords for long periods like singing, lecturering, screaming, and shouting can strain the vocal chords to cause loss of voice

What causes you to lose your breath while singing?

It's about breath control. So when you lose your breath while singing its probably because you just dont know how to control your breathing correctly. you're holding out notes and having to take breaths in the right places, so youre going to have loss of breath. just takes practice and maybe a vocal coach or voice lessons.

What is the normal decibel of a human voice?

The decibel level for standard human voices is around 60 decibels, which is also the level for singing birds. Hearing loss occurs at around 110 decibels with painful hearing loss occurring at 130 decibels.

Does singing cause weight loss?

yes it does

What are some good singing tecniques?

There are a vast amount of singing excercises you can do to improve your voice. Breathing plays an EXTREMELY important part in singing! Try picking a note and then, while standing, sing the note for as long as you can, first getting louder gradually, then getting softer. Do this 4 times a week and time yourself each time. You'll find it works a charm!Then theres increasing your note range try singing some scales... Depending on your preference to sing higher or lower increase or decrease pitch of scale... do try notes that you find difficult but do not stretch your voice too far as it can lead to loss of voice or even severe damage of vocal chords... Singing should not be forced it should feel comftorable...

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Does gluten allergies cause voice loss?


Why would a GP prescribe prednisolone to help remedy voice loss?

Prednisolone is a steroid and reduces inflammation. Your doctor may have diagnosed an inflammation to be the cause of your voice loss.

How often is a life loss?

evry 4 seconds

You have had a mild sore throat sporadic loss in voice and a dry cough for 5 weeks what could this be?

maybe it could be laringitis, just with a common cough

What is Loss of the voice as a result of disease or injury to the larynx?
