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it was a joke from (i think) the 4th x factor video diary where someone asked "what do you look for in a girl?" and louis JOKINGLY said he likes girls who eat carrots

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Q: Why does Louis Tomlinson like carrots?
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What is Louis Tomlinson fav food?

Louis Tomlinson's fav food is carrots

Does Louis Tomlinson really like girls who eat carrots?

Actually, Louis Tomlinson doesn't like carrots. Even though he says he likes girls who eats carrots, he wasn't being serious! So if you think Louis Tomlinson like carorots, you have thought wrong. Sorry if this has upset you. But this is true!

Does Louis Tomlinson truly loves carrots?

Louis only said "I like girls who eat carrots" as a joke... He does like carrots but not truly in love with them

What does Louis Tomlinson like in a girlfriend?

he like them to eat carrots and be sexy

Why does Louis Tomlinson like carrotts?

it's not that he likes carrots he likes GIRLS who eat carrots

Which One Direction member loves carrots?

Louis is said to like carrots but truthfully, he said he liked girls who eat OR like carrots. But he did say later that he only said that as 'quirky thing to say for the moment'. But I'm sure he would love a girl that eats carrots, as it would make her fit and healthy. So yea, Louis does like carrots, if you want. Xx AVeda

Does Louis Tomlinson love carrots?

Yeah he does

Luis Tomlinson i like girls who eat?

Louis likes girls who eat carrots

Is somthing wrong with Louis Tomlinson?

He has an addiction of carrots:)

What is a famous line from one directions video diaries?

"I like girls who eat carrots." -Louis Tomlinson

Which one direction guy is obbessed with carrots?

Louis Tomlinson

What are louis tomlinson's favorite things?

Carrots, stripy tops