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Q: Why does george Michael wear a wedding band?
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Does the man wear his wedding band during engagement?

No, he doesn't wear his wedding band until after the wedding.

Is it a must to wear wedding band on the forth left finger?

It is traditional to wear a wedding band on the forth left finger. Some European people wear their wedding bands on the right hand. If you want to wear your wedding band on a different finger then do so.


Ray Lewis doesn't wear a wedding band because he doesn't need one.

Is it mandatory to wear wedding band in the forth left finger?

yes, if you wear it on 4th finger only then it will be called wedding band, or else a normal ring

Why does chino wear a wedding band?

he misses his wife

Are you supposed to wear your engagement band first or second?

It's always upon you and the design of the Engagement Ring and the Wedding Band. But I think that you should wear the wedding ring/band first and after that Engagement Ring because Wedding is more special day in your life and it will always stay closer to your heart.

Is is appropriate to wear a ring where your wedding band was after a divorce?

Go for it!

What hand is a man suppose to wear his wedding band on?


Where does the girl wear her wedding band?

Ring finger on the left hand. Wedding band goes on first, Engagment ring goes on second.

Should you use your mother's wedding band?

There is nothing wrong with wearing your mother's wedding band as long as your fiance is fine with that idea. Often if a wedding band is handed down from one generation to the other it's acceptable to wear that band.

Do you have to wear your engagement ring and wedding band on the same finger?


What is the name of the band that bride's wear on their leg at their wedding and throw it?
