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Q: Why don't black and Asian people like to go for walks in the countryside?
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How can you put countryside in a sentence?

I love going for walks in the peaceful countryside and enjoying the fresh air and wide open spaces.

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walks in the country

What kind of people died during the Black Death?

The Plague did not discriminate. People of all walks of life died equally, from peasants to royalty.

That Obama is a wizard?

Yes, he also is a lizard and a atheist and hats jewish people and jesuz and hates black people and likes to go on long walks at the beach and is a fan of catz.

How do the cardnals let all the people outside know that they have decided who has been chosen?

They don't tell them, they release the black smoke out of the chimneys and the new pope walks out and all the people see him.

What event did Forrest gump describe as taking long walks to look for this guy named charlie?

That was how Forrest described his time in Vietnam, "I got to see a lot of the countryside. We would take these real long walks. And we were always lookin' for this guy named Charlie."

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According to an interview with Doctor Who Magazine, Tom Baker lives a solitary life with his wife in the countryside and enjoys going on long walks with his dog, Poppy.

How many people are being discriminated in our everyday life?

everyone from African Americans, Mexicans, homosexuals, bisexuals, Asian Americans, etc. the list goes on. Basically, it all depends on how you view different people. People from all different walks of life are being discriminated against every day of our lives

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a gorrilla

The customers, people from all walks of life, buy various merchandise at the discount store?

people from all walks of life

Where to spend your wedding anniversary?

you could take a road trip to the countryside and enjoy nature talk walks etc, or book a nice but cheap cruise or go down south and rent a condo on the beach.

Who is the black female singer in a music video where she walks away?

Lady Gaga