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Q: Why don't humans need a caecum?
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Is the caecum important?

The importance of the caecum depends on the species. For carnivores and omnivores (such as humans and dogs), the caecum is not important. For herbivores, like the horse, the caecum is important because it houses bacteria that help it breakdown food (eg. cellulose).

Pouch attached to the cecum is?

In humans the pouch attached to the caecum is the vermiform appendix.

What type of carbohydrate can only be digested by ruminants and not humans by?

cellulose which is present in grass can be digested by ruminants but cannot be digested by humans

Why do humans not have a caecum?

Yes they do - herbivores such as horses have much larger caecums that ferment and digest plant fibre. Carnivores have much smaller ones Humans have a caecum which is a small pouch it lies at the section between the small and large intestine. (the illeum and colon) the illeocecal valve stops fluid flowing back into the smallintestine.

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because if they dont they not hold somthing

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Because they dont use their energy that much

How do humans monitor the sun?

hi i dont know thats why i need this

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sorry, i dont kno but i need to find out for my science project :S

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humans arent plants. we dont need photosynthesis

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wth? humans dont HAVE to have honey to survive?

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no they dont