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Q: Why don't wolves have dewclaws on their back paws?
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Do some dog breeds lack a fifth toe on rear legs?

dogs dont have dewclaws on their back feet. Only 4 toes on the back paws is normal

Why do wolves need paws?

Wolves need paws to chase their prey and kill the prey. They eat to survive.

Why do gray wolves have only four toes on back paws?

It's better for climbing and catching prey.

How do gray wolves move?

gray wolves move their front paws forward and their back legs go the opiset wayIt has long legs to run fast.

What can a dog do that a wolf can't?

As far as I know wolves can do everything a dog can. (sorry lol) I guess having four toes on their back paws are something. Wolves have five toes on their back paws. Dogs only have four. (not including the dew claw).

How many claws does a snow leopard have?

18 claws - 4 main retractable claws, and two Dewclaws, one on each of the front paws.

Why do gray wolves have wide paws?

Wide paws make it easier to walk/run in snow.

Are wolves hoofed animals?

No. They have paws like dogs.

Why do blue crabs loose there paws when boiling them?

Crabs dont have paws. They have claws. If they have claws, where do you think the paws are?

How do wolves keep themselves safe from enemies?

They use their mouth and claws on the paws

What is it called when a cat has back paws that look like front paws and grip with them?

What...? Even I don't understand that. It is a dwarf kitten, its back paws have a joint and knuckles like the front paws have. It can grip my finger with his back paws, less confusing?

Are wolves like dogs?

In some ways wolfs are like dogs but wolfs have bigger paws and eat meat. anyway wolfs dont kill people they would only do that if they were locked with you in a cage and have not eaten in months.