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Because the mainstream culture isn't too fond of the goth-subculture, so that carries over to their opinion of the music.

Also, because it's a form of post-punk, which isn't really that popular, and totally different than what's widely listened to today.

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Q: Why everyone you know hates goth music?
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Does everyone like Miley Cyrus?

I love Miley Cyrus but I do know someone that hates her! It really just depends on the type of shows & music that everyone likes, but i would personally say that, although ALOT of people do like her (like me!) not EVERYONE does. (:

Does Evanescence count as a Gothic band?

In some ways, yes. But don't try it with people who know goth music, or you will get labelled a poser.

Is Marilyn Manson goth?

Marilyn Manson isn't really a goth. You could consider his makeup and dress style goth but then you would have to call Alice Cooper and KISS goth. But if you want ti be the same type of goth this is what you do, 1 dress in a way that you find shocking yet cool to your own style 2 Be yourself. Manson is 41 years old he has been a "goth" since before there were really "goths" as we know them.

What's the difference between goth and emo?

Let me get this straight...EMO DOESN'T MEAN THEY CUT THEMSELVES. Some people do, but I wouldn't refer that as emo.It is a stereotype. Emo really is short for emotional. goth might like goth Rock Music like the cure or Bauhaus and might dress in dark or black. Emos might like MCR and Hawthorne heights but might also have tight jeans and a hair fringe

How do i know if I'm a goth - i know I'm not an emo because i don't cut myself but how do i know if I'm a goth?

Goths tend to think outside the box. They don't *only* focus on the now, but the past, and the future. They tend to look at the darker side of things, but that doesn't they're all "My soul is a dark abyss... my favourite roses are black... Blood is how I feel better..." that's a poser. :P Yes, some Goths say blood is calming, or find it nice to see, but not necessarily see their own whenever they're frustrated. Goths do like Nature, like flowers, vines, moss... they also like rocks. Like old ones from castles. They wear black to stand out, not because they're sad. They wear others colours, too, of course, but primarily black. Long skirts, black and capes, oh, corsets too, are worn because they're Medieval, not so they can mirror Vampires. Ummm... That's all I can think of. Trying checking Wikipedia or some Goth chatrooms for more help? :)

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No...Not everyone I know someone whos this country obssessed freak and this emo chick and this punk chick and this christian who sins and stuff...

What do you do if people call you emo or goth but your not even close to being emo or goth?

If you're the opposite of a goth or Emo (those are two different things by the way. They should not confuse them) and people think you are them, then they don't know what a true Goth is. It's a state of mind before it's a style. Just because you wear black doesn't make you Goth. Either way, tell them that they don't know what a true Goth is, and ignore it. Besides, you shouldn't be that ashamed of being called Goth. If your child feels that they want to be goth let them do it just NO BAD MUSIC!!!!

How do you know if youre goth?

Identifying as goth can involve a combination of personal style, music preferences, interests in dark or alternative subcultures, and a certain attitude or worldview. If you feel drawn to gothic fashion, music genres like post-punk or gothic rock, dark aesthetics, and themes like romanticism or the macabre, you may resonate with the goth subculture. Ultimately, it's about feeling a genuine connection with the goth community and its elements.

You are 11 and you think everyone hates me you what should you do?

Screw them! As Long as I know who I am myself I couldn't give a damn!

Does Evanescence count as a Gothic band?

In some ways, yes. But don't try it with people who know goth music, or you will get labelled a poser.

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How do you know if people dislike you, if you just feel peole don't know truley...try and make some friends!