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Q: Why is the bass clef also called the f clef?
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What is the bass clef called?

The other designation for the bass clef is the 'F' clef.

Which clef is also know as the F clef?

The treble clef, which wraps around G on the staff.

Why the bass cleff is also called the f clef?

The base clef is also called the f clef, because if you look at it, the line in between the two dots of the base clef when it is on a staff is the f line.

What is another for bass clef?

It might also be called an "F clef," because it indicates the position of the note F.

Which clef is also known a the f clef?

Bass clef, because it indicates the position of F.

Which clef is also the F clef?

Bass clef. The two dots indicate the position of F.

Why the bass clef is also called f clef?

It is called that basically by convention, or common use. The symbol that denotes that clef is a stylized letter F, and the symbol hangs on the second line down of the clef, the line denoting the note F. That clef is called the bass clef in piano music, and the G clef is above it, but in fact there are several other clefs used by many other instruments.

The treble clef is known as?

The treble clef is also known as the 'g' clef. The bass clef is also known as the 'f' clef.

What can the bass clef be also known as?

F clef, because it indicates the position of the note F.

The bass clef is also known as?

The bass clef is also known as the 'f' clef (because the line in-between the two dots is the note f). The treble clef is also known as the 'g' clef (because the line that the circle in the middle is on is the note g).

What is the bass clef letter name?

You start with middle C, then you go to B, and then A is the first line. G is next, then F, E, D, C, B, and A. It's just saying your alphabet backward starting with C, until you get to A, and then you start with G from then on.

Why is the bass clef used to tell you what notes are bass?

Bass Clef and F Clef are used synonymously. The two dots of the clef are placed around the note F on the staff.