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So they can feel the vibration.

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Q: Why would a deaf person play music barefooted?
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How do you sell music to a deaf person?

A deaf person can feel the vibrations of the music, therefore, hearing it in a sense.

Can a deaf person compose music?

Yes most certainly

What is it called when a person has the opposite of an ear for music?

Tone deaf

Did Beethoven hear his last few pieces of music?

No, because he was deaf and he wrote music even when he was deaf.

What is the least effective way to talk to a deaf person?

The least effective way to talk to a deaf person would be to speak at a normal volume without using any visual aids or sign language. This would make it difficult for the deaf person to understand or communicate with you.

Is deaf an adverb?

No, "deaf" is not an adverb. It is an adjective describing a person who is unable to hear.

Why is a person deaf?

there are different explanation for a person to be deaf. like Helen Keller.some are inborn deaf, some get sick, and some person encounters an accident that causes them to be deaf.

Can a deaf dumb and blind person compose music?

no no. duh. Actually, it would be possible. Many blind persons have composed many works for organ ... Jean Langlais who was blind from age 3, performed organ concerts and composed music for that instrument. Even deaf persons can still "hear" melodies in their heads ... and composing music does not necessarily require one to have speech capabilities either.

Why is person deaf?

there are different explanation for a person to be deaf. like Helen Keller.some are inborn deaf, some get sick, and some person encounters an accident that causes them to be deaf.

How does a deaf mute ask a blind man for a cigarette?

If a mute person were deaf from the start he would write in brail. If he became deaf after he learned to speak he would just talk.

What is a person who can't speak or hear?

deaf mute person

What are some specific ways individuals learn about the Deaf culture?

If you are interested in learning about Deaf culture, I would suggest getting involved in your local Deaf community. There is nobody better qualified to help you understand Deaf Culture that a Deaf person!