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well he said during an interview the reason that he stopped dieing his hair was it was getting really expensive

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Q: Will Eminem die his hair back blonde?
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Is eminem going to die his hair back blonde?

Yes in his new video fro upcoming album Marshall Mathers LP 2 he has blonde hair again, SHADY IS BACK

How do you get blonde hair die out of your hair?

you should color over your hair with a darker shade other then that blonde can not be stripped out.

What color does Jamie Lynn Spears die her hair?

She dies her hair blonde, and dies the underneath black....

Why did Kristen Stewart die her hair blonde?

Kristen Stewart dyed her hair blonde after she did the film IN the wild.Just before she did TWILIGHT she dyed it back to her usual colour brown as she didnt like it blond.she is now a brunette

Has Ashley cole cheated on cheryl since they got back together in July?

the magazines say that he has cheated on her again with a blonde girl and because he likes blonde girls she is said to die her hair blonde because of that

If a blonde man and a blonde woman both died their hair permenantally black then the woman became pregnant and they had a baby together could the child have black hair because of the hair die?

You aren't serious are you, the hair grows back out their natural color, and the babies hair color is determined by the persons genes not their hair dye. So, in conclusion, if you said that the baby's parents originally had blonde hair, it means that the baby will more than likely be blonde.

Is prodigy from mindless behavior die hair blonde?

Well, if u mean DID (word help) prodigy from mindless behavior die his hair blonde than the answer is yes he died the mohawk blonde and his sides red!!!:)

When did Eminem die his hair black?

He actually dyed it blond, but never black. He used the blond hair for his Slim Shady character. Albums like The Slim Shady LP or Relapse portrayed this side of him. Eminem switched back to his natural hair color after leaving the "Eminem's on drugs" persona behind with the Recovery album. His hair is a dark brown naturally. It may appear black but is not.

How do you get that surfy Blonde hair like Corey Delaney?

you basicaly cant! unless you die your hair blonde and make it grow long! :) x

Is Nikki minaj able to die her hair bleach blonde?


Did Nikki reed die her hair blonde for eclipse?

Yes her hair is naturally brunette so she had to die her hair for all of the twilight films

Did katy perry die her hair blonde or is it a wig?

Katy did Die her hair blond for the Smurfs movie. It's not a wig!