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Q: Will pop rocks make lightning in your mouth?
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Related questions

Why does pop rocks fizz in water?

They pop in water because they pop in your mouth.

Is there a pop rocks and coke challenge?

yes , there is put a bag of pop rocks in your mouth then drink coke and coke will explode out of your mouth . very cool!

What are the chemicals that make pop rocks pop?

There is no chemical in pop rocks it's just CO2 (carbon dioxide) that makes up the pop rocks.When you put pop rocks in your mouth they so the heat basically forces the CO2 (carbon dioxide) out which sounds like it's poping.

What is the name of that candy that pops in your mouth?

pop rocks

What is the name of the candy that pops in your mouth?

pop rocks

How do you eat pop rocks?

stick them in ur mouth and let them popopopop

Are pop rocks and fun dip the same?

No. Pop Rocks are a candy that pop in your mouth. Fun dip is like sweetened kool-aid (tm) that you dip a candy stick into.

What is the audial equivalent of having an entire package of pop rocks in your mouth?

Clear Static.

Why do pop rocks fizz in water?

yes because it explodes in your moth and your mouth has water in it

What is the chemical reaction of pop rocks and coke?

The pop rocks fizz and sizzle and give out CO2 just like they do in your mouth. They do not kill you as the popular myth says.

Do pop rocks make coke fizz?


Pop rocks and soda?

When You Eat Pop Rocks And Drink Soda Will It Make Your Stomach Explode.? Well His Question Comes From A Old Wives Tale. When You Eat Pop Rocks And Drink Soda It Does Not Make Your Stomach Explode It Actually Makes You Stomach Have Sharp Intense Pains.