Jeff Jarrett's entrance theme is: My World
His First theme song was sung by his band Peroxwygen - Modest. his current tna theme is Peroxwhygen - Another
Jeff does. except it was remixed for some reason
The song title of Jeff Jarretts' theme song is My World.
Jeff Jarrett's entrance theme is: My World
He does
Jerry Jarrett, a long time promoter primarily in the south
He did a wrestling entrance theme for Jeff Hardy
"My World" by Dale Oliver. Dale Oliver sings Jeff Jarrett's theme song.
No more words by endeverafter
go to youtube
????? Theres no singing in their theme songs ----- Jeff Hardy's theme song: Endeverafter - No More Words
it isnt i#on an alum as it was only made for Jeff Hardy's new entrance theme
Jeff Hardy's band Peroxwhy?gen does Hardy's TNA theme song. The song is sung by Jeff Hardy.