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No, GPS accessories are not interchangeable between GPS brands. Each brand of GPS is made differently so you can not use Garmin accessory for you TomTom GPS.

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Q: Are GPS accessories interchangeable between GPS brands?
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Do I need a specific brand for my Garmin GPS accessories?

Garmin recommends that you use their brand but acknowledges that other brands of USB cables will work as well. They seem to be compatible with most other computer accessories.

Do you have accessories for your hand held magellan gps device?

There are numerous accessories for your hand held Magellan gps. At this site: you will find products such as batteries, windshield mounts, dash mounts, cradles, antenna,and leather cases.

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There are several companies and brands that are well known for cheaply selling and producing automotive electronic accessories. There are several well known brands that produce accessories like stereos and GPS's. These brands include such names as TomTom, Garmin and Sony. There are also several major sellers of auto electronics. Companies like NewEgg and Amazon are known for their cheap deals in this category.

What types of accessories are available for a Magellan GPS?

The types of accessories for a Magellan GPS are generally basic electronics accessories, except they are made to fit a GPS. Examples include protective cases, chargers, cables, and mounts.

What stores sell GPS accessories?

GPS accessories can be found at a multitude of retailers, including Best Buy, Sears and Staples. Some discount retailers such as Walmart and Kmart also carry accessories for GPS devices.

How many kinds of gps accessories are there?

There are many different kinds of accessories available depending on the type of GPS you have. Things such as dashboard holders and chargers would be at least 2 accessories that every GPS should come with.

How does lowrance gps antenna compare with other brands of gps antenna?

Lowrance GPS antenna is the most desired brand of GPS antenna. They are reliable, and excellent when compared to other brands, and cost the same as the lower quality brands.

Finding Accessories for GPS Devices?

There are a multitude of accessories out there for the GPS devices that seem to be growing daily in popularity. The types of accessories that you would want to buy probably depend on what type of GPS device you have. Things like cases and holders can be useful for most GPS technology.

Where can one buy accessories for their GPS?

Accessories for one's GPS can be purchased at a local Best Buy, Radio Shack, Walmart, and Office Depot. Online website like Amazon, TomTom, and Overstock also sells accessories for GPS.

How expensive are Garmin GPS accessories?

The price of Garmin GPS accessories depends on the merchant you buy them from. Ebay is a good place to look for inexpensive accessories. Also, you can check with the manufacturer.

How much are TomTom GPS systems, and how do they compare to other brands?

TomTom GPS systems are available at several price points, as low as $99.99 and as high as $319.99. In features it's comparable to the Garmin, though it may not come with as many accessories.

Where can I view a GPS video to compare different GPS devices?

You can view GPS videos to compare different GPS devices and different GPS brands on Just enter the different brands and devices that you would like to compare.