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I would say it is 98% unlikely to get pregnant 2 days before you period while you're on the pill and using protection.

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Q: Can you get pregnant 2 days before you period if you are on the pill and using protection?
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Can a girl get pregnant one day before her period?

A girl can get pregnant any day if she's not using protection.

Can you get pregnant when you have your period and your boyfriend is wearing a condom?

If you are using protection (ie. condom) then pregnancy is unlikely to occur. However, no protection is 100% effective so if you miss your period you should take a pregnancy test

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Yes. Bodies aren't clockwork perfect. Counting days is notoriously unreliable and gets one out of five women using it pregnant within one year.

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The week before a period, being pregnant or using oral contraceptives are associated with increased discharge.

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It is possible for a woman to get pregnant during her period if she is not using a form of protection.

NOT on birth control can you still get pregnant?

Of Course!!! If you are not using any form of protection, you definitely can get pregnant!

Can you get pregnant if no period for 6 years?

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What pill is given to start your period and is it harmful if you think you maybe pregnant?

Before using a drug to start your period it would be wise to use a pregnancy test, if you are pregnant it won't work but could cause birth defects.

How do you keep from getting pregnant with out using protection?

Well protection is the safest way to go..some if u dont wanna get PG then use protection but if u dont use protection then make sure he pulls out before he busts and make sure none of it gets down there.

What are the chances of getting pregnant on your period while taking the pill?

When you're on the birth control pill, you have the same protection when you're bleeding and when you're not, as long as you're using the pill as directed.

Just got off implanon and still havent came on period can i still get pregnant without knowing when im supposed to come on?

Yes, if you're not using birth control, you can get pregnant, even before your first post-implant period.

Is it easy to get pregnant while in the shower using no protection?

It makes no difference in or out of the shower while having intercourse; if your not on the pill or not using a condom, it is usually east to get pregnant.