Yes, they do hibernate in the winter.
No. Cardinals are active year round. Birds do not hibernate.
Mice do not hibernate. Instead, they are active year-round, although they may become less active in colder weather.
Pandas do not migrate, they are sedentary animals primarily staying in their home range. They do not hibernate either, as they rely on bamboo as their main food source throughout the year and do not need to store food for the winter.
No, grey whales do not hibernate. They travel long distances between feeding and breeding grounds each year and are active throughout this migration. Grey whales do, however, fast during the breeding and calving season.
Some porkipines are most likely to eat...if they want ;.)
yes they absolutely do
No cockroaches do not hibernate. Bugs them selves do not hibernate.
No, they do not hibernate.
no they do not hibernate
Eagles do not hibernate. Birds don't hibernate.
No, they do not hibernate. Felines as a species doesn't hibernate.
Kookaburras do not hibernate. No birds in Australia hibernate.
No they do not hibernate.
Ostriches do not hibernate.
Ferrets do not hibernate.