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head lights, dome lights, blinkers, any light.... ABSOLUTELY NOT!!

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Q: Does a car burn more gasoline when its lights are turned on?
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Related questions

What makes gasoline burn more efficiently?

Oxygen and heat.

Why does gasoline burn faster than diesel?

It is more volatile. It vaporizes easier and therefor burns faster.

Why would the tail lights stay on even when the car is turned off on your 1991 Honda accord?

Assuming you have the lights turned off, you are seeing the brake lights. They are more than likely on because the brake light switch is defective or out of adjustment.

Why does a dark color absorb more heat than a white color?

Black absorbs more lights, whereas white doesn't. The lights is then turned into heat energy.

What happens if you dont turn off the lights when nobody is using them?

You will use more power and the light bulb will burn out sooner.

Why is ethanol added to gasoline?

because gas does not have a odor so they put it so you can smell it and be more safe,

What types of gas do automobiles use?

Your average automobile will burn 87 octane unleaded gasoline. Some more sporty cars will burn 92 or 97 high octane unleaded fuels. All of which are a petroleum by product.

Why does the RPM of 1995 Mitsubishi lancer GLi drops when lights are turned on?

It requires more power, RPM goes down when demand for power is higher especially if lights are on or air conditioning

Does a vehicle get better gas mileage with premium gasoline?

Only if the compression is high enough to be able to take advantage of the more controlled burn that premium provides.

Why did the oil businesses change after drake found oil in Pennsylvania?

because it turned crude oil into kerosene an by adding gasoline made oil more valuable

Why did the oil business change after Drake found oil in Pennsylvania?

because it turned crude oil into kerosene an by adding gasoline made oil more valuable

Why is the ratio of fuel to air so important in an automobile engine?

Even though gasoline is highly flammable, it still needs oxygen to burn. More oxygen, the fuel burns more efficiently.