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Carbon-14 (C-14) is produced in the atmosphere when cosmic rays interact with nitrogen atoms, transforming them into C-14. These C-14 atoms then combine with oxygen to form carbon dioxide, which enters the carbon cycle and is absorbed by plants through photosynthesis. Animals then consume these plants, thus incorporating C-14 into their tissues.

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What are the release dates for C14 - 2013?

C14 - 2013 was released on: USA: 30 October 2013 (limited)

What formulas will give you the total value of a series of numbers displayed in column C from C1 to C14?

The simplest and best way is: =SUM(C1:C14)

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The half-life of C14 is 5730 years. What fraction of the original C14 would you expect to be present in a fossil that is 28650 years old?

There would be 1/32 left.

What half-life of C14 is 5730 years. What fraction of the original C14 would you expect to be present in a fossil that is 28650 years old?

1/32 of the original amount.

What is the difference between c 12 and c 14?

C12 and C14 are isotopes of the Element Carbon. C12 is the most abundant of all which is 99% of all the Carbon on earth while C14 is only 0.0000000001% (trace amount). C12 has a Atomic Number of 12. It has 6 Protons and 6 Neutrons. C14 has a Atomic Number of 14. It has 6 Protons and 8 Neutrons. C14 is radioactive in nature. It is used for carbon dating.

What type of cell reference is C14?

It is a relative cell reference.

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What actors and actresses appeared in C14 - 2013?

The cast of C14 - 2013 includes: Dustin Bacon as Random Guy Craig Bouwens as Zombie 2 David Scott Diaz as David

What fraction of the original c14 would you expect to be present in a fossil that is twenty eight thousand six hundred and fifty years old?

The half-life of C14 is 5730 years so the given period is 5 half-lives. You should, therefore, expect approx 2-5 = 0.03125 of the original C14 to remain.

How is c14 produced?

Carbon-14 (C-14) is produced in the atmosphere when cosmic rays react with nitrogen gas (N-14), creating radioactive carbon dioxide. This radioactive carbon dioxide then mixes with regular carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, leading to the incorporation of C-14 into living organisms through photosynthesis.

How many isotopes dose c have?

3 - c12, c13 and c14