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The end of the universe means nothing will survive even the universe itself.

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Q: How do you survive in the end of the universe?
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How far is it to the end of the universe?

Yes universe is endless and it is expanding but every thing that expands has its end once it reaches that end it explodes this might be the cause of the end of universe so there might be a end of universe

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No. McDonalds could very well be the end of the universe, but it is definitely not AT the end of the universe.

How and when will the universe end?

The universe will end in 5 billion years time.

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There is no known end to the Universe. It is always expanding, too.

When was The End of the Universe created?

The End of the Universe was created on 2001-08-24.

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no one knows

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The Restaurant at the End of the Universe has 208 pages.

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