There are 231 cubic inches in 1 gallon of water.
10 centimeter goes into 1 decimeter
1 meter = 10 decimeter 1 cubic meter = 1000 cubic decimeter
A cubic yard is a cube that measures one (linear) yard on each edge. There are 36 inches to the (linear) yard. To calculate the volume of a cube, raise the length of its edge to the power of three. (In other words, V = L cubed.) The answer is: 46656
There are approximately 16.387 cubic millimeters in one cubic inch.
A milliliter (ml) is also known as a cubic centimeter (cc). A decimeter is ten centimeters. So, there are 10 cubed, 10^3, or 1000 cubic centimeters, or milliliters, in a cubic decimeter.
1.831 cubic inches.
1 cubic inch = 16.39 cubic centimeters
The volume of 1 cubic decimeter is 1 liter.
1650 in cubed
Technically, there are zero cubic decimeters in one meter, since a decimeter measures volume and a meter measures length. There are 10 decimeters in one meter, and there are 1000 cubic decimeters in one cubic meter.
A cubic meter is precisely a 1000 liters, or a kilolitre. Kilo means thousand; a liter is the same as a cubic decimeter.
12 what? 12 inches cubed = 1,728 cubic inches 12 feet cubed = 2,985,984 cubic inches 12 yards cubed = 80,621,568 cubic inches
39 (cubic inches) = 0.639095496 liters
There are 231 cubic inches in 1 gallon of water.
Since one yard has 36 inches, a cubic yard has (36 cubed) cubic inches.
It depends on the size of the block. To find the cubic inches: length in inches x width in inches x depth in inches The answer will be in inches cubed (n in3).