Although the question makes sense, with our current level of technology, and knowledge about how the brain works, it is more or less impossible to give a definitive answer.
For example, about 10Mbits of information are transmitted along each optic nerve PER SECOND. But is transmission speed the same thing as processing speed?
Research reported on the MIT website indicates that under certain circumstances, one measure of processing speed has registered as few as 60 bits per second. And on the other hand, the researcher has made it plain that he was not testing for the maximum processing speed across a variety of tasks. So we cannot assume that his results were representative of brain processing in general.
An estimate on the University of Alberta website suggests that the average "clock speed" of neurons in the brain is a mere 200 firings per second - compare that with the clock speed of even a cheap desktop computer in 2010.
But that's only part of the story, because the brain of an average healthy human being includes around 100 billion neurons, all connected to something like 1000 (or more) other neurons.
100 billion neurons all firing around 200 times per second gives a capacity of 20 million billion firings per second.
Having said that, brain scans show only specific areas of the brain operating at a measurable level of activity at an given time. But does that necessarily mean that the other areas are doing nothing?
What it may show is that the DEGREE of activity is related to the nature of the task, and therefore will be variable throughout the day (and night).
So like I said, the question makes sense. But that doesn't mean we can give a nice neat answer right now.
I would make this simple by giving you an idea about what it means brain storage. When you go out on a date with your girlfriend you can remember every single detail that happened that day before , during and after the date. What you were wearing what she was wearing the place you went to every single detail . you could recall everything that happened as if it was an extremely high definition recording but not just Video and audio, the smell , the weather her perfume what you were thinking how the food tasted how did you feel in your heart , with an extremely wide angle view , you can picture the whole place even if you weren't looking that instance at what happened , you can even see yourself and your date in infinite different angles. even yourself as a third person. So if we had an Extreme definition camera recording in every single angle plus a weather computer recording the weather , and another unknown types of recorders running simultaneously recording the thoughts , the smell, feelings ... etc . recording that single little fleeting date . You would need Infinite storage media to store. and if you could squeeze your mind a little bit you can remember and picture everything you have passed by though your entire lives. it's all stored in your mind using this super recording XD device. So I would say its infinite. The way brain stores data is not bits with ones and zeros. neither analog having infinite possible combinations . it can picture the data using little information about it . which storage media cant do at all. let me give you some example: Imagine a house A door Open that door and get into the hallway rooms to your right and left the walls and their painting Enter a room its a bedroom stand on one hand get up open up the window and look out side Now the idea behind this is when I gave you this little info I bet 80% of what you pictured was your own house. and the bedroom was your bedroom with the same bed the same decoration paint etc. the window and its view is you bedroom's or some other bedroom you have visited before in a hotel or someplace ... You probably never entered that house this way or done a hand stand before yet you pictured it in XD as if it was true using those little few lines of text info. this is how a brain stores data. X-Def video = few text lines = 100 bytes using a normal computer text processor. Tn other terms a 100 byte in a brain = more than 10 GB of XD video on a computer. a simple word "lake" 4 letters 4 bytes you can visualize or imagine an infinite number of lakes more than 10 MegaPixels resolution. lets say this word gave you a picture of at least 100 different 10MP lakes = 1GB How about storing a study textbook of 1 MB into your brain which is extremely the simplest thing your brain can do. it would need more than 268435456 GB of imaging storage on a normal computer . how about what you studied and what you can study and learn ...
"The brain processes 400 Billion bits of information a second. BUT, we are ONLY aware of 2,000 of those." -Dr. Joseph Dispenza, D.C.
"The infinite information that the brain is processing every single second tells us that there's more to the world then we're perceiving." -Dr. Joseph Dispenza, D.C.
"All of our sense of so-called "reality" out there is filtered through our sense organs." -Dr. Candace Pert
These are quotes taken from a highly recommended movie:
Quantum Edition "What The Bleep!? Down The Rabbit Hole" 2006
You should be able to find a copy at a local library... or, purchase this movie online, at most video stores, or you can rent it from places like Netflix or Blockbuster.
NOTE: I am just a FAN. I do not work for them. I believe in sharing powerful information and resources for the benefit of progressing humanity with advanced knowledge, giving you the tools to find your own comprehension.
The brain's ability to store vast amounts of information is due to its complex network of billions of neurons and their connections. Memories are formed when certain pathways among neurons are strengthened through repeated use, enabling the brain to store information in a variety of forms, such as short-term and long-term memory. However, the brain does have limitations in terms of capacity and recall accuracy.
The brain can be compared to memory slots in a computer because it is where information is stored, processed, and retrieved, similar to how memory slots store data in a computer. Just like memory slots, the brain's capacity for storing information increases with more practice and use.
No, the human brain does not have an infinite capacity for memory. While the brain has a remarkable ability to store vast amounts of information, there is a limit to the amount of information it can effectively retain. Factors such as age, health, and individual differences can also affect memory capacity.
The main job of the brain is to control and coordinate the body's functions, process sensory information, store and retrieve memories, and generate thoughts and emotions. It is responsible for our ability to think, reason, learn, and communicate.
Synaptic capacity refers to the maximum number of synaptic connections that can be formed between neurons in the brain. It is a measure of the brain's ability to adapt, learn, and store information. Increases in synaptic capacity are associated with learning and memory formation.
According to the minds at the Scientific American, The human brain can store up to 2.5 Petabytes of information. This is equivalent to one million gigabytes.
The brain stores information in both sides!
computer's can store more information. brain store's less
Human Brain seems to be able to store an unlimited amount of information comprising all not useful data to a point where we are still unable to recover "these files" easily. Human Brain's life is short though, so that its cells will cause malfunctioning after a certain amount of years after being absorbing huge amount of data without the ability to store it and use it adequately.
The human brain, which is believed to be able to store up to 10 trillion bytes of information.
the job of the brain is to store information in the brain and to send your nervous system massages to different body systems.
A computer can represent the human brain in terms of processing information and making decisions. Both have complex networks that can store and retrieve data, learn from experiences, and adapt to new situations.
They are called neurons.
Human memory is the ability to store, retain, and recall information and experiences. It involves several processes such as encoding, storage, and retrieval of information in the brain. Memory is essential for learning, decision-making, and forming our sense of self.
The brain's ability to store vast amounts of information is due to its complex network of billions of neurons and their connections. Memories are formed when certain pathways among neurons are strengthened through repeated use, enabling the brain to store information in a variety of forms, such as short-term and long-term memory. However, the brain does have limitations in terms of capacity and recall accuracy.
The scientific definition of revelation is related to how to sense or know new knowledge directly in the mind without sensing it through normal human sensation such us hear, see, and taste. This can be done by receiving some information transmitted through wave that can be detected by certain brain which then can analyse it as already stored information in brain. In normal way brain receive information from the environment through eyes, ears, mouth, skin touch, nose, and then store the information in brain in some chemical and electrical signal in the memory. However, in revelation it will be a direct method of communicating with the brain which transmitted information would be stored in the brain and allow some people to see new fact they never sense it before through their sensation. This happens according to religion through the communication between God and Prophets to deliver some message to human being. The brain of the prophits must receive some directed signal in certain wave technology most likely would be wireless at wave that brain can interact with it and then store it in the brain where later use them as new knowledge and deliver a message to human.