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Q: How much money did the damage cost in the earthquake of 1948 in ashgabat turkey?
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How much money has been spent on California for the 1994 earthquake?

The earthquake caused an estimated $20 billion in damage.

Which causes more damage a major earthquake or a major eruption?

The Earthquake in Kobe did as much damage as 200 Billion dollars in US money(160 Million Yen). The Kilauea's Damage cost was abot 230 Billion dollars.

How did the sendia earthquake and tsunami affect the econemy in japan?

It caused a lot of damage which cost them a Lot of money to fix

Did hati get money for earthquake?

Haiti is getting LOTS of money, people are donating all the time, but Haiti needs lots of money because the eq caused so much damage.

Where and when was the biggest earthquake in the world?

In 1960 chile , they had a 9.5 magnitude. Every damage cost 500 million dollars because the earthquake was so bad. It had cost half a billion dollars and thats a lot of money for a country like that to pay so much. That was the hugest earthquake in the world.

How much money did the 1960 Chile earthquake cost?

There was $500 million damage to the south of Chile (1960 dollars) , $50 million damage to Japan, $75 million damage to Hawaii and $500,000 damage to the west coast of USA. The total amount of damage losses were estimated at half a billion 1960 dollars

How much money does a 6.5 earthquake cost?

The cost of an earthquake does not strictly depend on its intensity. How destructive an earthquake also depends on where it occurs. Factors that can make an earthquake more destructive include:A shallow hypocenterAn epicenter near a densely populated areaBuildings built on soft sedimentPoor quality of constructionA magnitude 6.5 Earthquake that occurs in the middle of nowhere is unlikely to cause much damage. One that strikes a major population center full of poorly constructed buildings could cause damage worth tens of billions of dollars.

Why developing countries are very vulnerable to earthquake damage?

They are extremely vulnerable compared to developed countries because they do not have the money or resources which developed countries can access within days.

How much money was lost in the Haiti earthquake?

The predicted amount of money that was lost in the Haiti earthquake was about 200 million.

How much did the 526 Antioch earthquake cost turkey?

What do you mean? This happened in 526 A.D. there was no turkey back then. (The country, not the land) But, lets say that there happened to be a Turkey back then, I would guess because it was a 7.0 and not a 10.0 or something, probably no more than 500 american dollars. (Don't know turkeys money system)

How much money is an earthquake proof building?

a lot of money

How does the country turkey make money?

by making money