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Galileo used more advanced technology to find stronger observational evidence than Copernicus was ever able to provide.

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Q: How were the contributions of nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo galilei to the scientific revolution different?
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How were the contributions of nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo to the scientific revolution different?

Galileo used more advanced technology to find stronger observational evidence than Copernicus was ever able to provide.

How were the contributions of Nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo Galileo to the scientific revolution different?

Galileo used more advanced technology to find stronger observational evidence than Copernicus was ever able to provide.

How were the contributions of Nicolaus Copernicus's and Galileo Galilei to the scientific revolution different?

Galileo used more advanced technology to find stronger observational evidence than Copernicus was ever able to provide.

Why was Copernicus discovery called the Copernicus revolution?

It represented a change in scientific thought

How were the contributions of nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo galilei to the scientific to the scientific revolution different?

Copernicus created the mathematical theory to prove that the Sun, not the Earth, was the centre of our solar system. Galilei provided the calculations and observations to prove Copernicus' theory.

How were the contribution of Nicolaus Copernicus and galilei to the scientific revolution different?

Galileo used more advanced technology to find stronger observational evidence than Copernicus was ever able to provide.

How were the effects of the scientific revolution different from the effects of the industrial revolution?

The scientific revolution caused religious controversies, while the Industrial Revolution led to worker exploitation

How were effects of the scientific revolution different from the effects of the enlightenment?

The scientific revolution caused religious controversies, while the Enlightenment challenged absolute monarchy.

How were the effects of scientific revolution different from the effects of the enlightenment?

The scientific revolution caused religious controversies, while the Enlightenment challenged absolute monarchy.

Which scientist is known for contributions to a scientific discipline that is different from that of the other three scientists?


Polish astronomer who proposed a different model of the solar system?

copernicus :) =))))

What was the name of the scientist who you attribute to forming the scientific method?

There is not only one scientist who formed the scientific method, it was formed throughout thousands of years by contributions from many different people.