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Because it didn't rip the universe, obviously.

The theory of black holes state that as a star collapses in on it's self all of it's matter is around the size of a Baseball, all of the stars mass into that small of space rip's the very fabric of the universe forming a black hole. My question was if a black hole can rip the very fabric of the universe and it's only the mass of the star host then why did'nt the big bang if everything we have ever known or seen was the size of a baseball?

Well, technically, the big bang has infinate mass, and since there was nothing really to compare it to, it was the size of everything, and nothing. If the big bang was a black hole, and if it ripped the universe, then the universe would have imploded upon itself before it was even created.

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Q: If the big bang did rip the universe why are'nt we being sucked in it like a black hole does?
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Is the universe being consumed by the galactic black holes?

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If there is a huge black hole in each of a galaxy then how come you arent getting sucked in?

Because we are beyond the event horizon

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In theory it is compressed down into a singularity. This is why black holes are the densest objects in the universe. All that mass is being squeezed down into a single point in space.

What will the black holes be like in the future?

The same, they'll probably just have sucked up everything in the universe.

How painful is being sucked into a black hole?

nobody knows because when you get sucked in you never come back haha :)

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If a black hole "sucked" in all the surroundings (The Universe) then it would be the term "Big Crunch" where all matter is returned to the state prior to the Big Bang.

Can you come back from being sucked into a black hole?

No, it tears you apart/ "destroys you"

How do scientists detect black holes?

They use X-Rays from the stars being sucked into them.

Where do the stars get sucked into?

Stars can be sucked into black holes.

What happends when you get sucked into a black hole?

No one really knows. You might possibly die because they say that the gravity is too strong, not even light can escape it. Others think that it will take you to another universe. No one who might've been sucked into a black hole has ever lived to tell about it.

What would happen after getting sucked in a black hole?

Their is not more info about this because there are no evidences of humans being sucked into black hole but once sucked in, the object which has been sucked in will not be able to escape out from black hole's event horizon as a black hole very very very very very strong gravitational field. But some scientists say that object which went into the black hole comes out through a white hole (which is just the opposite of black holes in all aspects)

Can the moon be sucked up by the black hole?

Yes, everything can be sucked in to a black hole, even light