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Q: Is calcium alginate the same as aquacel?
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Is calcium alginate wound dressing the same as aquacel wound dressing?


What are alginate dressings?

These are derived from brown seaweed and contain calcium alginate, which turns into a sodium alginate gel when it comes in contact with wound fluid. They are available as pads or ropes.

What are alginates?

These are derived from brown seaweed and contain calcium alginate, which turns into a sodium alginate gel when it comes in contact with wound fluid. They are available as pads or ropes.

Are alginol alginate and seanol the same thing?


What are immobilized cells?

microbial or other cells can be immobilised by calcium alginate as in case of immobilised enzymes. these cells are entrapped in gel and are immobilised and have different applications

What are the Solvents of sodium alginate?

Water (deionized) dissolves sodium alginate (slow in cold water, faster in hot, but it is not very easy to dissolve, it may take days of constant stirring). Sodium alginate is insoluble in all organic solvents I know about. Alginic acid is insoluble in *anything* (that doesn't react with it chemically).

What chemicals make up sodium alginate?

The chemical formula of sodium alginate is (C6H7O6Na)n.

How do you make alginate?


What has the author Shun Yih Lin written?

Shun Yih Lin has written: 'Calcium alginate gels in oral dosage form design' -- subject(s): Drugs, Coatings, Lactobacillus, Cholesterol

What active ingredients are in gaviscon?

Sodium alginate sodium bicarbonate calcium carbonate Gaviscon is specifically made for relieving the symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux, such as heartburn, indigestion and acid regurgitation and Reflux esophagitis.

What are the active ingredients in Gaviscon?

Sodium alginate sodium bicarbonate calcium carbonate Gaviscon is specifically made for relieving the symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux, such as heartburn, indigestion and acid regurgitation and Reflux esophagitis.

Where can one find information on the use of Aquacel AG?

In order to find out more information on the use of an Aquacel AG a person may call the company and ask about the needed information, or a person may visit the company's website to obtain the desired information.