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yes it is true

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Q: Is it true that Hereditary information is stored in the sequence of nitrogenous bases within the structure of DNA?
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Does sugar carry information in DNA?

No, the "information" is carried with the nitrogenous bases and their sequence.

What is the primary structure of DNA?

The sequence of nitrogenous bases forms the primary structure of the molecule, analagous to the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide.

A gene is a hereditary unit that carries information for?

a sequence of amino acids

What are genes and codons?

A gene can be defined as a region of DNA that controls a hereditary characteristic. It usually corresponds to a sequence used in the production of a specific protein or RNA. It also carries biological information A codon is a sequence of three nitrogenous bases in the messenger RNA sequence that are specific for one amino acid. Molecule (4) represents messenger RNA.

The hereditary information in DNA is encoded in the sequence of?

nucleus, which has chromosomes that contain many genes

The genetic information is coded in DNA by the regular alternation of sugar and phosphate molecules?

this is wrong. the answer should be "the genetic...dna by sequence of nucleotides"

How the structure of the DNA molecule allows it to store information?

DNA stores genetic information in the sequence of nitrogen bases.

A mutation is a change in a?

gene sequence

This holds an organisms hereditary information?

In cells they are in DNA. In virus they are in DNA or RNA

What is the different between a chromosome and a gene?

A Chromosome is a threadlike linear strand of DNA and associated proteins in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells that carries the genes and functions in the transmission of hereditary information. It is a circular strand of DNA in bacteria that contains the hereditary information necessary for cell life.As appose to a Gene A hereditary unit consisting of a sequence of DNA that occupies a specific location on a chromosome and determines a particular characteristic in an organism. Genes undergo mutation when their DNA sequence changes.

What is the difference between a chromosome and a gene?

A Chromosome is a threadlike linear strand of DNA and associated proteins in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells that carries the genes and functions in the transmission of hereditary information. It is a circular strand of DNA in bacteria that contains the hereditary information necessary for cell life.As appose to a Gene A hereditary unit consisting of a sequence of DNA that occupies a specific location on a chromosome and determines a particular characteristic in an organism. Genes undergo mutation when their DNA sequence changes.

The secret of DNA has to do with the sequence of what along the DNA ladder?

The sequence of the nitrogenous bases, which are the 'rungs' of the DNA 'ladder' are what give DNA its specificity.