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time meridian

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Q: Line of longitude exactly divisible by 15 degrees?
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The Ural Mountains lie amost exactly on what line of longitude?

The Ural Mountains lie almost exactly on the 60 degrees east line of longitude.

The geographic grid line 180 degrees of longitude from the Prime Meridian is the?

The geographic grid line 180 degrees of longitude from the Prime Meridian is the International Date Line. This line marks the boundary where the date changes as one travels across it from west to east.

What is the difference between a prime meridian and a meridian?

The time meridian is each standard time zone roughly centered on a line of longitude exactly divisible by 15 degrees and the prime meridian is the starting point for the standard time zones an arbitrary longitude line.

Does 90 degrees west longitude have a name?

No. 90 degrees longitude is not a major line of longitude. Only 0 and 180 degrees longitude, which are the Greenwich Meridian and the International Date Line respectively, are major lines of longitude.

How far do line of longitude run east and west?

Every "line" of constant longitude joins the north and south poles, so the lines "run" north and south. Longitude numbers range from zero to 180 degrees east and from zero 180 degrees west. So all together, there are 360 degrees of longitude, which is exactly what you need if you want to use longitude to measure any place all around the Earth.

Is the prime meridian a line of latitude or a line of longitude?

The Prime Meridian is a line of longitude, and it sits at 0 degrees longitude.

The line of longitude that is zero degrees longitude is the?

prime meridian :/

What longitude is 59 degrees west of International Date line?

121 degrees east longitude

What degrees of longitude is the international date line on?

Whether travelling to the West or to the East from the Prime Meridian (zero Longitude) the International Date Line is 180 degrees Longitude.

What would be the line of longitude for a place that is west of the prime meridianhalfway between the prime meridian and the180 degrees line of longitude?

90 degrees 40 degrees and 90 degrees

Which line of longitude is found opposite of the Prime Meridian?

The major line of longitude located at 180 degrees longitude is the International Date Line.

What longitude line is the prime meridian located?

0 degrees longitude.