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Tendons may also attach muscles to structures such as the eyeball.

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Q: Only tendon in body not attached to a bone?
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The tendon attached to each heel bone is thicker and stronger than those attached to the wrist bone why is this important?

Because this tendon has to articulate the whole mass of the body, whereas in the wrist are several tendons and these only articulate the hand.

What kinds of tissues are attached to bone?


What is the name of the end of a muscle attached to the bone?

muscles connect to ligaments connect to bones!

What muscle is the Achilles tendon attached?

The Achilles tendon is attached to the calf muscle (gastrocnemius). It is also attached to the heel bone (calcaneus). Achilles tendon is also known as the calcaneal tendon (calcaneal hence the heel bone calcaneus).

What is the attachment site of the patellar tendon?

Patella is the sesamoid bone, which has developed in the patellar tendon. This tendon is attached to the tuberosity on the upper and anterior part of tibia bone.

How is the tendon attached to the foot in a frog?

A tendon is a type of connective-tissue band that attaches a muscle to a bone. In a frog, the tendon is attached to the foot through the extensor muscles.

In a living lever in your body what acts as the levers fulcrum?

The joint, near where the tendon is attached to the bone, acts as the fulcrum.

Where is muscle attached to bone?

muscle attaches to bone by a tendon. muscle is attached to an immovable bone, this is called orgin, and the other end of the muscle is attached to a movable bone. this is called insertion.

What is the name when a bone chip still attached to the tendon has pulled away from your hip bone?

Avulsion fracture.

What part of a muscle is usually attached to a fixed location?

A muscle insertion is the end of a muscle attached to the free-moving bone of its joint. A muscle origin is the end of the muscle attached to the relatively fixed bone of the joint.

Can you live without a tendon?

Tendon attaches muscle to bone. They sometimes have to be removed or operated on. A person can live with a tendon removed.

How can tendons pull bone?

on one end of a tendon comes from the muscles while the other hand is attached to a bone,then it pulls