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Usually animals that live in the vicinity of the area.

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Q: What animals are affected by wildfires?
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What do wildfires do?

Wildfires destroy homes, property, lives, animals, vegitation.

How have human activities affected the ecosystem in Savannah?

because of natuarl and human activety

What ledc's have been affected by wildfires?

africa gets lots

How do plants trees and animals depend on wildfires?

---- === ===

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Why are there wildfires in the world?

there are wildfires in the world because there are opend spaced area where they like to come in and hurt plants and animals


They can change by Wildfires, Droughts or Floods

What impact on humans do wildfires have on human population?

Wildfires can have several impacts on human populations. They can cause direct injuries and fatalities, destroy homes and infrastructure, displace communities, and result in the loss of livelihoods. Additionally, wildfires can have long-term health effects due to the release of harmful air pollutants. The social and psychological impacts, such as stress, trauma, and grief, are also significant for affected populations.

How do wildfires harm forest ecosystem?

it burns down the trees that animals are living in.

How wildfires affect animals?

It can kill them, their nests, their young, their food, their shelter, and a reason to not live.

Are animals not affected by radiation?

Yes, all animals are affected by radiation.

How are humans causing way more wildfires?

Humans are causing way more wildfires which is an issue. First of all after camping, they sometimes leave the fire. Second of all, some people smokes and drop cigarettes on the ground which the cigarettes remnants can ignite wildfires. With more wildfires, more wild animals are killed.