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Carbon has four electrons in its valence shell (outershell). Since this energy shell can hold eight electrons, each carbon atom can share electrons with up to four different atoms. Carbon can combine with other elements as well as with itself. This allows carbon to form many different compounds of varying size and shape.

Proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates and lipids

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14y ago
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11y ago

Inorganic compounds:




Organic compounds:



Carboxylic acids


Aromatic compounds




Nucleic acids

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13y ago

Not just 4, all organic molecules are carbon based and there are many hundreds of them.

organic molecules are considered lipids, proteins, or carbohydrates or nucleic acids if that is what you meant

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8y ago

Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids are the four groups of carbon compounds in living things.

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12y ago

carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids

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8y ago

These are: lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids.

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12y ago

carbohydrate, fats, nucliec acids, and...

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Q: What are the four main parts of carbon based molecules in organisms?
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What is the difference between organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry?

Organic chemistry is the study of compounds containing carbon, while inorganic chemistry deals with compounds that do not contain carbon. Organic chemistry often focuses on the properties, structures, and reactions of molecules found in living organisms, while inorganic chemistry studies the behavior of elements and their compounds outside of living systems.

How is carbon in living things?

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it means that the sugar helps split the two three-carbon molecules into two molecules of ATP

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A lot of organisms that thrive in the deepest parts of the ocean rely heavily on chemosynthesis. Chemosynthesis is most commonly seen near thermal vents and involves the biological conversion of 1+ carbon molecules (methane/CO2) and nutrients into organic matter. This is made possible through the oxidation of inorganic molecules such as H2 or Hydrogen Sulfide; these are used as a source of energy, rather than radiation from the sun.

Characteristics of organic molecules?

organic molecules characteristics :1) Based on carbon .carbon atoms gives the ability to do long chains , branches and rings .2) form from few elements.99.4 % carbon , hydrogen , nitrogen , and oxygen , 0.2% phosphorous, 0.2% calcium , and 0.2% all other elements3) modular structures form from simple buildings blocks .long and complicated molecules can be put together in twocontrasting ways.the first : by build each one from scratch , so that no piece of one molecules be art of another , the second : to build a succession simpler , widely available parts , so that each large molecule differs from another only in the arrangement of those parts.4) chemical function is determined by their geometric shape.

What are the four parts a triglyceride?

You have three molecules of fatty acids and one molecule of glycerol. The fatty acids are usually have 16 to 20 carbon atoms in them.

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The three parts of a bond is atoms, molecules, and ions. The three parts of a bond is atoms, molecules, and ions. The three parts of a bond is atoms, molecules, and ions.

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Some examples of molecules mad up by two different elements include: Water= 2 parts Hydrogen, 1 part Oxygen = H2O Carbon dioxide= 1 part Carbon, 2 parts Oxygen = CO2 Methane = 1 part Carbon, 4 parts Hydrogen = CH4 Magnesium Oxide = 1 part Magnesium, 1 part Oxygen = MgO Potassium Bromide = 1 part Potassium, 1 part Bromine = KBr

Are RNA molecules are made of nucleotides?

Yes. Ribonucleic acids, also called RNA, is the intermediary molecule used by organisms to translate the information in DNA to proteins. RNA is a polymer - made up of chains of nucleotides which have three parts: A five-carbon ribose sugar A phosphate molecule One of four nitrogenous bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine, or uracil

Cellular respiration releases energy by breaking down glucose in the presence of carbon dioxide?

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