

What does a community organizer do?

Updated: 5/23/2024
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โˆ™ 12y ago

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A community organzier is basically a mayor.

(this comes from Sarah palin. But i believe this to be correct.) Dock

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โˆ™ 12y ago
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โˆ™ 2mo ago

A community organizer works to bring people together to address local issues, build relationships, and empower residents to create positive change in their community. They may facilitate meetings, organize events, conduct outreach, build partnerships, and advocate for community needs.

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How do you open the Building Block Organizer?

To open the Building Block Organizer, insert your key into the lock and turn it counterclockwise. This will unlock the organizer and allow you to access its contents.

What is the age restriction of the runaways?

The age restriction for the runaways can vary depending on the location and organizer. In general, runaways for minors may require parental consent or supervision. It's best to check with the specific event or organizer for their age restrictions.

What is an entry in an synthesis organizer?

An entry in a synthesis organizer is a piece of information, such as a quote, fact, or idea, that supports a particular aspect of the topic being synthesized. It helps to organize and integrate different sources of information into a coherent whole, allowing the writer to analyze and present the information effectively.

Did huey newton have any accomplishments?

Yes, Huey P. Newton had several accomplishments. He was one of the founders of the Black Panther Party, which aimed to combat racism and advocate for black rights. Newton was an influential leader and organizer within the party, and his ideas on self-defense and community empowerment continue to inspire activists today.

Which is the entry in a synthesis organizer?

An entry in a synthesis organizer is typically a piece of information, quotation, or evidence from a source that is relevant to the overall theme or topic being synthesized. This entry is used to support the writer's argument or perspective by integrating it with other entries to form a coherent and well-developed synthesis of ideas.

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Chicago, Illinois

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No, Mitt Romney has never held that job. Barack Obama was the one who worked as a community organizer and an advocate for the poor, at a Catholic-run charitable organization in Chicago.

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He worked as a civil rights lawyer and community organizer in New York and Chicago during the 1980s and early 1990s.

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No, he was a lawyer and a community organizer, but wasn't ever in the police.

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His first job after college was as a community organizer in Chicago.

What was obamas job before he became a politition?

He was a community organizer, a law professor at University of Chicago, IL State Senator and US Senator from IL.