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Most ECG machines are designed to pick up certain abnormalities in the tracing, they will therefore give suggestions of what could be wrong.

Possible anterior infarct means that there is possible cell death in the front (anterior) part of the heart.

BUT these automatic analysis are very unreliable and just a bit of movement can lead it to saying possible heart attack on a perfectly normal ECG. Therefore, always ask a professional who is trained in reading ECGs for the diagnosis - don't rely on the machine.

age undetermined just means whoever did the ECG did not enter the patient's age into the machine before taking the ecg.

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This finding on an ECG suggests that there might have been a previous heart attack in the front part of the heart, but the timing of this event cannot be determined solely from the ECG. Additional tests like a cardiac MRI or stress test may be needed to confirm the presence of a past heart attack. It's important to follow up with a healthcare provider for further evaluation and management.

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What causes a possible anterior infarct?

A possible anterior infarct can be caused by a blockage in one of the coronary arteries supplying blood to the front of the heart. This blockage can lead to decreased blood flow to the heart muscle, resulting in damage or death of the tissue in that area. Risk factors for anterior infarcts include atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, smoking, and diabetes.

Is anterior infarct detremental?

Yes, an anterior myocardial infarction can be significant and detrimental as it usually signifies damage to the front part of the heart muscle supplied by the left anterior descending coronary artery. This can lead to issues such as heart failure, arrhythmias, and in severe cases, sudden cardiac death. Treatment and management are crucial to prevent complications and improve outcomes.

Does an infarct putrefy?

Generally no, unless blood supply is returned to the area or a supporating bacteria somehow invades the area. One of the more common locations for an infarct is in the kidneys, and the usual chronic result is fibrosis, not putrefaction.

An area of tissue that becomes necrotic due to a lack of O2 is called an?


What is a cerebellar infarct?

The word cerebellar refers to the cerebellum. This is also called the Little Brain. The cerebellum, in the back of the brain, controls balance, coordination and fine muscle control (e.g., walking).Damage may cause ataxias (inability to walk in a straight line). An infarct is another name for a small localized area of dead tissue resulting from failure of blood supply. In the case of the brain, a stroke.This person had a stoke in the cerebellum and may have problems with balance and walking.

Related questions

What does possible anterior infarct on an EKG mean?

They suffered a heart attack and the outcome is death to a portion of the heart tissue from lack of oxygen.

What is the area of dead tissue within heart muscle?

Anterior myocardial infarction

What does Septal Infarction age undetermined mean?

The septum is the wall separating left and right heart sides and is supplied with blood through an artery. When this artery gets blocked it causes a septum infarct.

What is anterolateral infarct?

An infarction (death of tissue due to decreased blood supply) of the anterior wall of the heart. That's the part of the hearts wall that faces out. It is a heart attack in a specific place of the heart.

What is a bone infarct?

Bone infarct refers to ischemic death of the cellular elements of the bone and marrow.

Is it possible for a blow to the head to cause a lacunar infarct?

A lacunar infarct affect the central portion of the brain typically due to microvascular occlusion. It is typical not related to trauma. Post traumatic infarcts are usually of the peripheral cortex and/or subcortical white matter. Basically NO.

What does a diagnosis for multi-infarct dementia entail?

Tests that can be performed in the doctor's office include taking a blood pressure reading, recording the heartbeat (an electroencephalogram, or EEG), and obtaining blood for laboratory analysis

What can cause sudden cardiac death?

An infarct.

What happens when you have a infarct in your heart?

heart attack

What is meant by infarct?

that is when a pat dies, the term is most frequently used to describe an area of the heart or brain. An infarct is caused by lack of blood flow (perfusion) or trauma.

What is meant by multi- infarct dementia?

I am not a doctor but multi-infarct dementia would be when multiple spots of the brian have died causing the patient to fall into a series of dementia and other illnesses.

What is Distal tibia bone infarct due to trauma?

An infarct is an area of tissue death due to loss of blood supply. A distal tibia bone infarct due to trauma, then, means tissue death at the part of the larger lower leg bone closest to the ankle. The cause of the tissue death was trauma.