My name is Natheerah and the meaning of my name is "Open the path for others."
It means life.
a new thing. (Navi)
The planet Mars got its name from the Roman god of war.
I think you mean a sedimentary rock, which gets its name from the sediments of which it is made up from.
Neville Chamberlain's birth name is Chamberlain, Arthur Neville.
Neville Whiting's birth name is Albert Neville Whiting.
Neville Lawrence's birth name is Neville George Lawrence.
Eden Neville's birth name is Eden Ellen Emma Neville.
Neville Heath's birth name is Neville George Clevely Heath.
Neville Longbottom? Augusta
Edgar Neville's birth name is Neville Romre (conde de Berlanga de Duero), Edgar.
The name of Robert Neville's Wife is Zoe Neville, played by Salli Richardson (in the movie from 2007).
Charmaine Neville's sister's name is Carol
Neville is played by Reed Alexander.
yes Neville chamberlain had a wife. Her name was Anne Vere Chamberlain.
Yes, his name is Gary Neville. He retired from football in Manchester United and England in 2011.