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Carbon dating is an important tool for archeologists. Two famous things that have been carbon dated include the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Shroud of Turin. This has allowed scientists to determine the age and authenticity of these items.

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Famous items that have been carbon dated include the Shroud of Turin, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the ruins of Pompeii. These dating methods help to establish the age of these artifacts and provide valuable information about their historical significance.

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What assumptions does carbon dating rely on?

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Can the ink used in writing the Dead Sea Scrolls be carbon dated?

A:Carbon-dating the inks would present problems, although theoretically possible. Only very small amounts of ink were used, and therefore a very large amount of text would have to be destroyed in order to obtain enough carbon for dating. Several of the Dead Sea Scrolls have been carbon-dated from the base material, which is an equally reliable source and need not involve destruction of precious writings.