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Energy enters a food chain in the form of sunlight, and leaves the food chain in the form of heat.

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Q: What form is energy in when it enters a food chain and what form is energy in when it leaves a food chain?
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How does energy enter this food chain?

It originates from the sun and enters the food chain when plants absorb it for photosynethis.

How does energy enter a food chain through plants?

Energy enters plants through a process called photosynthesis

4 substance that enters and leaves through the cell membrane?

food enters, waste leaves

Why a cow eating the grass would not gain all the energy that the leaves had absorbed from the sun?

Because in the food chain, autotrophs obtain the most amout of energy because they get it directly from the sun. As the food chain decreses, the energy lesses.

What does a food chain show a flow of?

food chains show what animals eat other animals. like leaves-caterpillars-bird or grasses-kangaroo rat- kit fox-bob cat.

Transfer of food energy from one source to another in stages is called what?

This is called a food chain. Food Chain- The moving of energy from one organism to another

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how is the energy in a food chain different form the energy of the wind?

How can energy be lost in a food chain?

Energy can be lost in a food chain by heat or waste.

How does the energy in a food chain transfer?

The energy in a food chain transfers through the organisms involved in it.

Where is there the least amount of energy in the food chain?

who gets the least amount of energy in the food chain

Describe how energy enters a food web through plants?

Energy enters a food web by photosynthesis: the sun is the primary energy source, and autotrophs (mainly plants) 'fix' the energy & use it to convert carbon dioxide into foods which are then eaten by organisms further up the food chain.