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It all depends on the genes of the two parents. The child would be bi-racial.

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Q: What is a child of a black woman and white man?
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How can black man attcract white woman?

The same way a white man attracts a white woman. However, there are other elements involved here. Some white women are loath to date a black man. Some white women are curious about black men. Some white women are intrigued about the mystique surrounding black men and their sexuality.

Can white man and black woman produce a totally black baby?

yes and they can also produce a totally white baby. However the children of that child will probably be mixed in colour because the child still inherits and passes on the genetic codes of it's parents.

Why when a biracial man is with a white woman they are considered an interrracial couple but with a black woman they are considered a black couple?

Because biracial (both black & white) men in America for the most part are treated for the most part as black men because majority of the time they look black so their are judged as black men. So when a Biracial (black/white) man is with a white woman, they are not seeing a biracial man with a white women, but a black man with a white women, so people label them as an interracial couple. On the other hand, when they are with a black woman, nobody sees the difference, since both are judged as black; they are considered a black couple, not an interracial couple.

Will a child with black mother and white father always be light skinned?

no because the black mom could have had the child before she married the white man

Could a white woman having a baby with a mixed black man have a white baby?

yes they could actually have either black or white

Who is the black man in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Tom Robinson is the black man accused of raping Mayella Ewell, a white woman.

How should a black man show a white woman he is interested in her?

The same you would with a black woman, I'm sure she'll get the hint ;]

Did slaves get married to their owners?

Slaves could not be married to their owners, for their owners were most likely white. Back during the Civil War; and before then, it was not necessarily a law, but un-allowed for a black man to marry a white woman, or a black woman to marry a white man. I believe, to marry a white woman or man and be black, I think you must be an ex- slave. You can't be a slave if you marry a slave owner.