the name of a baby pigeon is called a squab.
A baby trout is called a fry.
The fluid surrounding the baby in the womb is called amniotic fluid. It provides protection and cushioning to the developing baby.
A baby buffalo's cry is typically referred to as a "bleat" or a "bawl."
CalfBaby giraffes are called calves.a calf
When a duck is a baby, it is called a duckling.
A female duck is called a duck, or, as a female bird, a hen.
The baby duck is called a duckling or ducklings.
a duck's baby is called a ''duckling'' or a ''chick''
A duckling.
It is a duckling
== == duckling
Young ducks are called ducklings. == ==
No US president known as baby duck to my knowledge. A recent president of Haiti was called "Baby Doc".
A mother duck is called a mother duck (i guess), while a male duck is called a drake. Ducklings are baby ducks...don't ask for its origin plz