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Monoecious plants have both sexes on the same plant.

Dioecious plants have separate male and female flowers on separate plants

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Q: What is a flower containing both male and female parts called?
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What is the femal part of a flower called?

The female parts of a flower are called style, ovary, ovule and stigma. All of these parts together are called the pistil.

What are the male part and the female part of a flower called-?

Flowers are important in making seeds. Flowers can be made up of different parts, but there are some parts that are basic equipment. The main flower parts are the male part called the stamen and the female part called the pistil.

The male part of a flower is the stigma the pistil or the stamen?

The male parts of a flower are called the stamens and the female parts are called the pistil.

What is the collective name for the female flower parts?

it is called a carpel or pistil

What are a flower's female reproductive parts called?

the Gynoecium (meaning "womans house") and refers to all the ovule producing parts of the flower. See related link

What is the function of angiosperm flowers?

The flowers of the angiosperm are reproductive organsoften containing both male and female reproductive parts.

What job does a style do in the plant?

the style is it protect the flower. it is called female. the female parts are , style , stigma , anther and ovary.......

What are the female reproductive parts of a flower?

The male part is called the stamen and the female part is the sigma

What does the anther contains?

similar things as bones

A flowers female reproductive parts are called?

The female reproductive part of a flower is called the carpel. This is made up of the stigma, style, and the ovary.

Which is a part of the male part of the flower?

Although in some types of flower it can have a protruding and phallic appearance, the female part is always in the center. It is called the pistil. the male part is the stamen, consisting of the filament and the anther.

What are the female reproductive organs in a flower called?

The pistil is the female reproductive structure of a flower. It consists of three parts: the stigma, the style, and the ovary. Inside the ovary is a small cavity that contains the ovule that, when fertilized, eventually becomes a seed.