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A collection of paired genes is responsible for a polygenetic trait. Height, skin colour etc. are examples.

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9y ago

A trait that display a continuous distribution, such as height or skin color, are polygenic

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Q: What is is a polygenetic trait?
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Is skin an example of a polygenetic trait in humans?

Skin color.

How many alleles does a zygote have for each trait?

No - some traits are polygenetic (such as for skin color, eye color, hair color, etc.) and will have multiple alleles.

What is polygeny?

Inheritance in which more than one gene pair affects the appearance of a particular trait. Polygenetic inheritance refers to the non-Mendelian form of inheritance in which a particular trait is produced by the interaction of many genes.

Tell you about polygenic inheritance under genetics?

Multiple alleles are the presence of more than two alleles for a trait within a gene pool, while polygenetic traits are controlled by multiple genes.

What type of volcanoes is Erebus?

Mount Erebus is classified as a polygenetic stratovolcano

What does the term polygenetic refer to?

Polygenetic refers to a species which received its genes/genetic information from several distinct sources. It can similarly be used to describe a taxon (such as a phylum) whose members come from different ancestral sources.

What does polygenetic stratovolcano mean?

A polygenetic volcano is one that has formed through multiple periods of activity. A stratovolcano is a steep-sloped, often tall volcanoe composed of layers of ash, pumice, and cooled lava flows. Stratovolcanoes are capable of producing large explosive eruptions.

Entamoeba is a Monogenetic or digenetic or polygenetic?

monogenetic. cause to complete its life cycle it requires only one host i.e. man.

What is an example of a non polygenetic trait?

Coat color and pattern is a polygenic trait, meaning it is controlled by more than one gene or gene complex. A dog with the gene for black color expression may also have the gene for suppression of black and so have a red or yellow coat. Or a dog with the brindle gene may have one or more of the genes for large areas of white and so have little or no brindle coloring visible. A dog with the dominant black gene may have genes for color fading and appear gray or merle.Rate This Answer

A trait that is hidden?

The trait that is hidden is recessive trait.

Is diabetes mellitus a multifactorial disease?

Yes it is , the diabetes typ 2 is a multifatural disease becouse it,s coused by enviromental and polygenetic factor.

What is an example of polygenetic inheritance?

Coat color and pattern is a polygenic trait, meaning it is controlled by more than one gene or gene complex. A dog with the gene for black color expression may also have the gene for suppression of black and so have a red or yellow coat. Or a dog with the brindle gene may have one or more of the genes for large areas of white and so have little or no brindle coloring visible. A dog with the dominant black gene may have genes for color fading and appear gray or merle.