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100 centimeters are larger then 3 feet.

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Q: What is larger 100 centimeters or 3 feet?
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How many feet in 100 centimeters?

100 centimeters is 3 feet 3.37 inches.

How much feet are in 100 centimeters?

100 centimeters is 3 feet and 3.37 inches.

How long is 100 centimeters?

100 cm = 1 m 100 centimeters is 3 feet 3.37 inches.

What is 100cmin feet?

100 centimeters is 3 feet and 3.4 inches.

Which is greater 16 feet or 488 centimeter?

16 feet is 487.7 centimeters so 488 centimeters is larger by 3 millimeters.

100 centimeters equals how many feet and inches?

100 cm = 3 feet 3.37 inches.

How do you change feet into centimeters?

Well, there are 100 centimeters in one foot. So take how many feet you have and multiply it by 100. For example, if you want to convert 3 feet into centimeters, you will multiply 3 by 100. So 3 feet equals 300 centimeters. There are 100 centimeters in one meter, not in one foot. A foot is 0.3048 meters, so a foot is (100 x 0.3048) = 30.48 centimeters. A 6 foot person would be 6 x 30.48 = 182.88 centimeters.

Convert 100 cm to feet and inches?

100 centimeters is 3 feet and 3.37 inches.

How many feet are in100 cm?

100 centimeters is 3 feet and 3.37 inches.

Which is larger 100 ft or 3 yards?

100 ft is larger, because 1 yard is equal to 3 feet. So 3 yards is equal to 9 feet. 100 ft is much larger than 3 yards.

What is 100 cm in ft and inches?

100 centimeters is equal to about 39.37 inches which is about 3 foot 3 inches.

What is the same as a meter?

a 100 centimeters or a 1000 milimetres approx. 3 feet