The abbreviation for prolactin is PRL.
The abbreviation for millibar is mb.
The abbreviation for bushel is "bu."
The abbreviation is ft. Abbreviation for Lineal Feet: Lft
The letter abbreviation for thymine is "T."
its not an abbreviation but an excerpt from the word expierence
Excerpt is a noun.
The prefix to "excerpt" is "ex-".
Give the excerpt and you might get an answer.
I'm not sure which excerpt you are referring to. Can you provide me with the excerpt so I can identify the line containing imagery for you?
The teacher asked us to read an excerpt from the novel before class.
You need to include the excerpt.
You need to include the excerpt.
An excerpt is a selected portion from a longer work such as a film or book. So long as you bear in mind its correct meaning, you can use the word "excerpt" in much the same way that you use the word "sample."The trailer shows an excerpt from the film "Avatar."The author read an excerpt from his new novel. I used an excerpt of the speech in my term paper.
The need for everything to be fair
Can you please provide the excerpt you would like me to analyze?