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stores information that translates into making proteins

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Q: What is the best describes the major function of the biological macromolecule DNA?
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What the major function of biological macromolecule DNA?

It stores information that translates into making proteins.

What macromolecule provides energy?

Major is the carbohydrates.Lipids is also a good sourse

What kind of a macromolecule is hemoglobin and why is it a macromolecule?

The major macromolecules are lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates. Hemoglobin is mostly protein.

What is veterinary physiology?

Physiology is the study of the normal function of biological systems. For example, the study of how the respiratory rate is affected by blood carbon dioxide levels is a physiologic study. Veterinary physiology is the study of normal function of biological systems in animals, and usually specifically in major domesticated mammal species.

What is the macromolecule in a corn plant?

Corn has more than one macromolecule: Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Hydrogen are the major nutrients that make up a corn plant and the macromolecules of that plant.

What is a major function of the excretory system?

the major function is food

What are the 4 major types of biological macromolecule?

Carbohydrates, for example polysaccharides, like cellulose in cell walls Proteins, made from aminoacids, constituents of hormones and enzymes Polynucleotides, constituents of DNA and RNA which are nucleic acids Lipids, composed of fatty acids and glycerol

What are the major biological issues today?

diseases & bacteria etc

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What are major biological issues of today?

diseases & bacteria etc

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What are the goals the other major countries involved in nuclear biological weapons?

I know of no "nuclear biological" weapons, perhaps you meant nuclear, biological, chemical (NBC) weapons, which can be any one of these.