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204/80 Hg^2+

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Q: What is the correct nuclear symbol for an isotope that has 80 protons and 124 neutrons?
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What is the correct number of protons electrons and neutrons in the isotope 36Cl respectively?

Protons = 17; Electrons = 17; Neutrons = 19

What determines the nuclear stability of an isotope?

To be an isotope stable, the number of neutrons should not exceed 1.5 times than protons.

What isotope has 16 protons and 15 neutrons?

Sulfur-31 is the isotope with 16 protons and 15 neutrons.

Isotope with 13 protons and 14 neutrons?

The isotope that has 13 protons and 14 neutrons is aluminum.

Are there 2 neutrons in the helium 4 isotope?

No, there are actually 2 protons and 2 neutrons in the helium-4 isotope. The number of protons determines the element, while the sum of protons and neutrons gives the atomic mass of an isotope.

Which is a correct representation of the isotope of sodium with 13 neutrons?

Isotope 24Na (or Na-24) has 11 protons and 13 neutrons, its mass number is 24Isotope 23Na is the stable form of Na with 11 protons, 12 neutrons and with mass number 23.

What isotope does this show 7 protons 8 neutrons?

An isotope of Nitrogen shows 7 protons & 8 neutrons.

How many protons neutrons does oxygen have?

oxygen has 8 protons as its atomic number is 8. The number of neutrons depends on the isotope. O-15 isotope will have 7 neutrons, O-16 isotope will have 8 neutrons. (Note: Mass number = Number of protons + number of neutrons)

How is the isotope different from an element?

An element is defined by the number of protons in the nucleus; for example, carbon always has 6 protons. Elements can also have different numbers of neutrons in the atomic nucleus, and each number of neutrons gives you a different isotope. So, there is the isotope called carbon 12, with 6 neutrons (12 nuclear particles in total) and there is also the isotope called carbon 14, with 8 neutrons (14 nuclear particles in total). Every element has a number of isotopes.

How many protons and neutrons are there in the sulfur-36 isotope?

16 protons 20 neutrons

What is the number of protons neutrons and electrons nitrogen?

A nitrogen atom has 7 protons, 7 electrons and 7 neutrons for the most common isotope

How many protons and neutrons are in promethium?

Promethium has 61 protons and electrons.For each isotope the number of neutrons is different. Number of neutrons = Mass number of an isotope - 61