The corresponding adjective for the noun "influence" is "influential".
The abstract noun form of the adjective 'gentle' is gentleness.
The abstract noun form of the adjective 'gentle' is gentleness.
The corresponding noun of "sarcastic" is "sarcasm."
The corresponding noun to "choose" is "choice."
The corresponding noun for unhappy is unhappiness.
The abstract noun formof the adjective gentle is "gentleness".
The abstract noun form of the adjective 'gentle' is gentleness.
The abstract noun form of the adjective 'gentle' is gentleness.
The corresponding adjective for the noun "influence" is "influential".
The abstract noun formof the adjective gentle is "gentleness".
The abstract noun form of the adjective 'gentle' is gentleness.
The verb avert does not have a corresponding noun, it does, however, have a corresponding adjective: avertable.
If you're talking about bait for fishing, then it's gentles, otherwise gentle is an adjective or a verb.
Argument, arguerer, and the gerund, arguing are the corresponding noun forms for the verb to argue.