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The min and max temp of mars i 1,299 degrees celcius and -1,000,000 degrees celcius

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Q: What is the min and max temp of mars?
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What are the max and min temp of the planets?

How is anybody suppose to know that

Write a program to find the range of set of numbers range is the difference between the smalest and biggest number in the list?

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main(void) { int max=0,min=0; int temp; int n,i; clrscr(); printf("what is the lenght of number set?\n"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("\n\nNow enter the numbers\n"); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { scanf("%d",&temp); if(temp>max)max=temp; if(i==1)min=temp; if(temp<min)min=temp; } printf("\n\nThe range of set is %d",max-min); getch(); }

Does A snow cover raises the days max temp?

No, it lowers both the max and min temperature.


Average MAX temp is 104 degrees - Average MIN temp is 64 degrees

What temperature should a 1998 viper gts run?

198 degrees min running temp. 210 max running temp. The hotter the temp the more fuel economy.

Calculate the maximum and minimum temperature?

#include<iostream.h> void main() { double sum=0,avg,max=0,min=100,temp[12]; char *Month[]={"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun","Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"}; for(int j=0;j<12;j++){ cout << "Enter the temperature of month :"<<*(Month+j)<< endl; cin >> temp[j]; sum=sum+temp[j]; } avg=sum/12; for(int i=0;i<12;i++){ if(temp[i]>max) max=temp[i]; if(temp[i]<min) min=temp[i];} cout << "Average temperature of the year: " << avg << endl; cout << "Maximum temperature of the year: " << max << endl; cout << "Minimum temperature of the year: " <<min << endl; }

What is the temepurture of Mars atmosphere?

Min −87 °C Mean −46 °C Max −5 °C

Psuedocode of Selection sort in data structure?

fro implementing selection sort yiou have to first find the max or the min value in the array; here you go: for(i=0;i<=maxsize;i++) { min=a[i]; loc=i; for(j=1;j<=maxsize;j++) { if(min>a[j]) { min=a[j]; loc=j; } } if(loc!=i) { temp=a[i]; a[i]=a[loc]; a[loc]=temp; } }

What formula with functions in Excel can you enter to calculate the ratio of the maximum value in the range Z1 to Z10 to the minimum value?


How does the temp on mars compare to the temp on earth?

Mars tempature is much greater than earth

Who makes Max Temp pool heaters?

Max Temp went out of business

Trace out the algorithm Max Min on a data set containing atleast 8 elements?

Steps to perform MaxMin on a data set (2,4,6,3,8,1,9,7) are:(2,4,6,3) (8,1,9,7)((2,4)(6,3)) ((8,1)(9,7))In sublist (4,6), max is 6 and min is 4. In sublist (8,9), max is 9 and min is 8.Comparing max and min values of sublist (2,4) and sublist (6,3), value of max is 6 and min is 2.Therefore, for sublist (2,4,6,3) max is 6 and min is 2.Similarly, comparing max and min values of sublist (8,1) and sublist (9,7), value of max is 9 and min is 1.Therefore, for sublist (8,1,9,7) max is 9 and min is 1.Finally, comparing max and min values of sublist (2,4,6,3) and sublist (8,1,9,7), value of max is 9 and min is 1. Steps to perform MaxMin on a data set (2,4,6,3,8,1,9,7) are:(2,4,6,3) (8,1,9,7)((2,4)(6,3)) ((8,1)(9,7))In sublist (4,6), max is 6 and min is 4. In sublist (8,9), max is 9 and min is 8.Comparing max and min values of sublist (2,4) and sublist (6,3), value of max is 6 and min is 2.Therefore, for sublist (2,4,6,3) max is 6 and min is 2.Similarly, comparing max and min values of sublist (8,1) and sublist (9,7), value of max is 9 and min is 1.Therefore, for sublist (8,1,9,7) max is 9 and min is 1.Finally, comparing max and min values of sublist (2,4,6,3) and sublist (8,1,9,7), value of max is 9 and min is 1. Steps to perform MaxMin on a data set (2,4,6,3,8,1,9,7) are:(2,4,6,3) (8,1,9,7)((2,4)(6,3)) ((8,1)(9,7))In sublist (4,6), max is 6 and min is 4. In sublist (8,9), max is 9 and min is 8.Comparing max and min values of sublist (2,4) and sublist (6,3), value of max is 6 and min is 2.Therefore, for sublist (2,4,6,3) max is 6 and min is 2.Similarly, comparing max and min values of sublist (8,1) and sublist (9,7), value of max is 9 and min is 1.Therefore, for sublist (8,1,9,7) max is 9 and min is 1.Finally, comparing max and min values of sublist (2,4,6,3) and sublist (8,1,9,7), value of max is 9 and min is 1. sonika aggarwal GNIIT