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A diamond at room temperature will generally be at the same temperature as the room.

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Q: What is the room temperature for a diamond?
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What is the state at room temperature for a diamond?

A diamond at room temperature is a solid.

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No room temperature liquid can dissolve diamond.

What state is diamond in room temperature?


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Why is diamond unreactive at room temperature?

Because it is not a good condutor of electricity

Why is diamond a solid at room temperature?

because of the three dimensional carbon-carbon network

Is carbon a liquid a solid or a gas at room temperature?

Carbon is a solid liquid instead of a gas at room temperature.

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The room the hope diamond is in is the room that has a sign that labeled "Hope Diamond".

What happens to a diamond when it reaches 1405 degrees Fahrenheit?

Diamond is inert at room temperature and even it does not react with air but at 1405Fahrenheit it reacts with air so that it can be oxidized.

Is carbon a gas when it is at room temperature?

No, it is a solid.. like coal, for example. (Diamond and graphite being two other examples)

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The room temperature is...the room temperature !!

How many degrees is nitrogen at room temperature?

The temperature of the nitrogen at room temperature is whatever the temperature of the room is.