A mammal, such as a dog or cat, is not a protist. Mammals belong to the kingdom Animalia, whereas protists belong to the kingdom Protista.
Most people would consider fish in the Animalia kingdom ( animal kingdom ), Fish, mammals, insects, animals of course would all belong to the Animalia kingdom. Unlike us we belong to god. But if you are Muslim or Islam or even Jewish and Sikh you would know what kingdom you belong to. -Top Contributor Hillary
Wombats belong to the Animal kingdom.
Coyotes are mammals, and all mammals belong to the taxonomic domain of Eukarya, which are characterised by having cells with nuclei. Eukarya covers all organisms in the Kingdom Animalia, as well as the Kingdoms Plantae, Fungi and Protista.
Both a mouse and a giraffe are mammals that belong to the animal kingdom. They both have vertebrates, give birth to live young, and nurse their offspring with milk.
Mammals belong to the "kingdom" Animalia.
Gorillas belong to the animal kingdom, specifically in the phylum Chordata. They are classified as mammals within the class Mammalia.
A mammal, such as a dog or cat, is not a protist. Mammals belong to the kingdom Animalia, whereas protists belong to the kingdom Protista.
If you are talking about animal kingdom then as vertebrate bunnies belong in the kingdom of 'mammals.'
All dolphins are members of the Kingdom Animalia. They are marine mammals.
Humans belong to the mammal group because humans and mammals give milk to there young and they have fur
Human beings are classified in kingdom Animalia.
Hamsters are mammals, and all mammals belong to the taxonomic domain of Eukarya.Eukarya covers all organisms in the Kingdom Animalia, as well as the Kingdoms Plantae, Fungi and Protista.
Man belongs to the kingdom Animalia, as humans are classified as mammals within this kingdom.
The deer is a mammal, and all mammals belong to the taxonomic domain of Eukarya.Eukarya covers all organisms in the Kingdom Animalia, as well as the Kingdoms Plantae, Fungi and Protista.
No. Birds and mammals are separate classes each containing hundreds of genera. Their closest connection is that both birds and mammals are amniotes, a group that also includes reptiles.