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Mount Kilimanjaro provides a variety of resources for people who live near it. Some of the resources include clean water, vegetation, fertile soil, and tourism money.

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Pure water, Thick forests, Fertile soil

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Q: What resources does mt Kilimanjaro provide for people who live near it?
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What resources does mount Kilimanjaro provide for those that live near?

A tourism industry Pure water supplies :)

What resources does Mount Kilimanjaro provide for provide for those who live near it?

Mount Kilimanjaro provides pure water and fertile soil for those who live around it, and supports a great diversity of plant and animal life. The nearby natives farm and hunt, and get some supplemental income from tourism activities.

What are people like in Kilimanjaro?

Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in Africa and highest free standing mountain in world. People probably live on the foot of it but I doubt that they live on it.

Why don't people live in Kilimanjaro?

Much of the Kilimanjaro area is a national park, meaning that it is protected in its natural state, and people cannot live on the land and corrupt that nature.

What is the population of Mount Kilimanjaro?

around 2,20000 people and anymals live there

What people live in Kilimanjaro?

The Chagga people are the main ethnic group living around Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. They have a long history of living in the region and are known for their farming practices and unique culture. Additionally, the Maasai people also have a presence in the surrounding area.

How many people live on Mount Kilimanjaro?

No one can really LIVE on the mountain itself, but at the base there are a few towns and communites that are settled there.

What is Mt Kilimanjaro's native name?

Kilimanjaro means "Kilema kyaro" that translate into 'our mountain' in chagga language,chagga people live on foot of Mt.Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.

What are all the natural resources Chinooks depended on to live day bye day?

The Chinook people do depend on nature for their resources, they simply hunt, fish and farm to provide their families with food, shelter, clothing etc.

What plants live on Kilimanjaro?

Semiarid Scrubs and Butts

How do natural resources effect where people live?

Where resources are there are lots of job opportunities, then lots of people will work. most people live near where they work so where resources and jobs are found people will follow. then the area is populated and making goods.

What kind of resources do people try to live by?

they try to live with wood