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you group them by their size habitats and where they come from

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Q: What three things do you group organisms by?
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What is the smallest group into which scientists classify living things?

micro organisms

Which group contains the small organisms?

viruses and pirons -- it should be noted that these 'organisms' are in the grey area between living and non-living things.

What three things provide that organisms have changed over time?

Fossils Further evidence is derived from living organisms Bones

What is a group of living things and their nonliving environment?

A group of organisms and their environment is a biome.

A group of living things can reproduce organisms called?

a species

Do scientists group living things by how they get food?

That is a great question they try to find the right food for each animals and creatures

What a group of organisms and their environment?

A group of organisms and their environment is a biome.

What three things provide evidence that organisms have changed over time?

Fossils Further evidence is derived from living organisms Bones

What three things provide evidence that organisms change over time?

Fossils Further evidence is derived from living organisms Bones

What can be harmful if it reduces the organisms chances for survival and reproduction?

There are 3 things that can be harmful if it reduces the organisms for survival and reproduction. The three things are changes in DNA, changes in phenotype and mutation .

Are All Organisms Classified .....?

one of three domains and in living and non-living things.

3 things needed to be a species?

A species is a group of organisms that have the capacity of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring.