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The Iris plant and the ginger plant

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Q: What type of plants reproduce by rhizomes?
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What plants reproduce rhizomes?


How does the heliconia reproduce?

Heliconia plants can reproduce by seeds, but more commonly the rhizomes (root system of this type of plant) are divided and new plants allowed to from.

Plants reproduce asexually from runners and rhizomes?


How does the bromeliads reproduce?

Heliconia plants can reproduce by seeds, but more commonly the rhizomes (root system of this type of plant) are divided and new plants allowed to from.

Do ferns reproduce bulbs?

no, ferns have rhizomes

What type of root rose has?

roses reproduce by rhizomes, these resemble large roots but do not function the same as a true root

Which type of plants to reproduce?

Almost all types of plants reproduce

Can yam reproduce by sucker?

Yes yam can easly be reproduced by suckers. These plants have underground rhizomes and frequently develop suckers for vegetative reproduction.

What are examples of rhizomes?

Examples of Rhizomes - Calla Liles, Cannas, Bearded Iris, Water Lilies

Can plant seeds reproduce sexually?

Some plants reproduce sexually, depending on the type. Plant seeds must grow into plants before they can reproduce.

What are plants stems used for?

Tubers and rhizomes of many plants are used as food

What type of organism reproduce sexually?

Mostly higher plants and animals.